Sunset along the Hengchun Coast

    We rode around, trying to find the perfect spot for the sunset. We were a little behind schedule and getting lost doesn’t help. The place that we thought didn’t give us the best visibility and the cloud makes it a lot harder to catch the sunsets.

    “My friend once said, the clouds make the skies interesting”

    “Yes, I think your friend’s right too”

    And her friend is absolutely right about this one.

    The clouds felt like cotton candy machine wheezing out cotton candy that spewed across the skies as the sun dyed the skies in whimsical hues of pink. We stopped and admire the beautiful skies and I took a moment to let it all sink in. It even felt like I could taste the sweetness of the clouds. I love how it got spread all over, giving the whole sky another dimension of colors.

    I would see the beauty of the trees and forest swaying against the skies, as they’re waltzing to their perfect love song from prom. Every one of them dancing together until the sun goes down. The skies turned into a magnificent pinkish tint that rubbed the sky with beauty.

    I stopped my bike and we got done for a moment, and for once I felt like one of the kids, under the disco lights, and the wind brush against my cheeks and body like a gentle symphony.

    Hengchun Pink Sunset

    Here goes the second day in Kenting.

    And I’d fallen deeper little more.

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