Starfield Library
“Ronnie, you love books right? Then you have to go to the Coex Mall, they have a huge bookstore there!”
“Whattt, really?!”, I exclaimed, while waiting for her to show me more.
“Yes, this!”, she said as she flipped her phone to face me, showing the bookshelves that grew from the ground to the ceiling, several storeys up. It looked amazing from the photos and I bet I’ll fall in love there.
“I HAVE TO GO”, I said looking at Robs who’s not exactly impressed by the books like I am. “WE HAVE TO GO”, I repeated and Robs seem to have resigned to his fate.
It’s sweet of Robs who still remember the bookstore while we are planning our day as he bought the Coex mall up while adding in the bookstore to our itinerary, and kudos for being an amazing travel buddy despite our differences.
It easy to get there but I’d like to say that the Coex mall is HUGE. If you love shopping, having great food and coffee, Coex mall is the best place to drag or bait your bookworm buddy to... because... of this bookstore!

Looping the level, I was greeted by towering bookshelves that opens themselves to another world altogether. There are 2 levels mainly with a cafe on one side on level 2.
The number of books are crazy and I think it’s hard to stumble upon a title unless the stars truly align for you. You’ll have better luck when you know what you want to look for. It was an overwhelming sight, as I walked into the whole library. It had huge open concept and you can see books everywhere, literally. There’s also a corner for insta travellers who found their way here.
I walked around the place for abit, surveying the area, taking the place in. The constant chatters are actually more overwhelming than the books, however, the second floor isn’t as noisy as the first. There’s a simple reading and study area, and from what I see the people there are very considerate, heads down, drowning in their books. I went or a few reads at the browsing copies but nothing caught my eye at the end. But nevertheless, this is definitely a place that I’ll come to again since there’s so many things available at COEX, which could satisfy my shopper travel buddy and the bookworm in me.
Name: Starfield Library
Address: South Korea, Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Yeongdong-daero, 513 스타필드 코엑스몰 B1
Opening Hours: 10:30 am–10 pm
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