MUSE: Intro

    As I wandered on my very own journey of self-discovery, I gathered a lot of thoughts, besides experiences. So I decided to share them, while I write to work and reflect on my thoughts. Thoughts, Musings, Realisation, anything that goes through my brain goes in here.

    Different from creative writing which comes with an artistic approach, this segment would be more to my thoughts on things. Be prepared for some of my life’s weirdest question, my own strange review on movies, films, things, and whatnots. I reworked this segment after awhile, as I have decided to merge it together with my main blog, "Wander". My thoughts does wander whenever I travel as well, hence I have written not only travel thoughts but also about my mental health as well. I have decided to put thoughts in one place.


    This would be the “Phase 2” of working on my website aside from just travel stuff as I want to work on something real on the more personal side of my life as well. Call it my piggy bank of all my 2 cents worth maybe. Or rather a collective well of all my thoughts that I decided to share.

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