Coffee Court (Drip & Dutch)

    After coming back early, Robs and I went cafe hopping and chance upon this unique looking cafe called Coffee Court. The place has a very striking yellow-green hue, with drip containers lined up by the side

    Coffee Court Drip & Dutch South Korea

    So if you’re getting a drip coffee, you’ll be given a cup after payment whereby you can proceed to the respective drip container to “collect” your own coffee. I guess it is a very interesting experience compared to order cafes which would prepare your drinks for you.

    Coffee Court Drip & Dutch South Korea

    By utilizing the aisle at the side I believe they are able to present more varieties of drip while their kitchen at the back is for making frappes and lattes. We tried getting the mocha and this is probably the best ice mocha that I have tasted in Seoul. That and the unique factor was what made me cover this place!

    Name: Coffee Court (커피코트 - 경리단길점)
    Address: 용산구 회나무로9.1층 Seoul, Korea
    Opening Hours: 8am–11pm

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