Blue Ocean Art Gallery

    I specially arrange this post to be published on National Day! so for this week I'll be covering several local sites (in Singapore), to build up more contents for my "Resident Tourist" project and also to commemorate our nation's birthday!


    "Oh my God! there's a gallery here!", I exclaimed and power walked towards the canvas that is on display. Perhaps it is the blue in the painting, or maybe it is the word ocean, that brings out the blue against the calming white walls.

    Blue Ocean Gallery Front

    "Hello, I'm Kim", while holding out her hand. What was supposed to be a short formal introduction eventually warped into a rabbit hole of a conversation. Perhaps it was quiet, I'm actually surprised that we manage to get a conversation going for quite abit despite the whole mask and Covid "thing". (In Singapore we're actually bounded by the law to wear a mask whenever we leave home, so...). I got to know alittle bit more about the place and also Kimberly as she waltzes across the gallery while giving me a heartwarming tour right of the bat.

    I'd never once considered the finance part of art, but it is interesting that Blue Ocean actually collaborate with emerging artists, and does alittle bit of art trading, possibly as a source of income. Renting artworks to establishments with a price, whilst artists could still determine when they want to "sell" their painting and whatnot. It was a very elaborate and interesting structure for artists (if you guys are considering to go pro).

    Blue Ocean Art Gallery

    I was far more interested in her story, of how she dabbled in arts and how she found her way back again. Throughout my journey of travelling, it is the personal stories that touched me the most, of how I may have met the seemingly happiest man thus far in Cape Town, the most passionate barber, and so forth. All of us have a story to tell, after all, right? Kim certainly set the persona for Blue Ocean for me, and this porcelainic gem definitely left a huge impression in me. I'll pop by if I'm ever again, to check out their ever-changing artworks!

    Jia Qiong Art

    And this is one of the rare places that I manage to find a new favourite artist to spazz about! So here's an art from Jia Qiong before I go!

    Address:  6, #02-08 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square, 039594
    Opening Hour: 11am–8pm

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