Ah Rong Natural Farm (阿榮自然農園)

    It is truly indeed an adventure when of all places, Kyra's heading to Luye tomorrow too.


    "What actually brings you to Luye?" 

    "I'm actually going to a store in Luye"

    "A Store!? Just a store, like a grocery store?"

    "It's not like that, it's MUCH more"

    "Okay, well you gotta show me!"


    Since I'm meeting my friend in Luye tomorrow, we decided to head over together and I'll check out. We managed to hitchhike and 30mins later we arrived at Luye.




    It was quite a walk from the train station, but when I'm there, it is actually worth it.

    The store stood at the quiet junction, against the test of time as it's been opened since generation.

    A kind lady greeted us and gestured us in.


    "Can you believe that this girl came all the way from Taipei for your store?", I introduced ourselves cheekily while pointing to Kyra.

    "Ahahha, so... would you guys like some tea? Well, let me make you guys some tea"


    She laughed and gestured us in, while she moved over to make some tea for us. We hung out for a while since I have to wait for Ting to arrive.

    "Wait, what!? You guys know each other?"

    The 4 of us sat together for a bit while we chug more tea.


    I caught Kyra after in the evening, and we chill with the lady boss of the store since our bus won't be coming until another hour.

    One thing about Taitung would be their insane amount of mosquitoes, and it gets worse at night.

    She gestured and invited us to the other side, a small shop corner which most were oblivious to because of their plain and quiet backdrop.

    We decided to check it out since we had about up to 40-50mins

     Ah Rong Natural Farm Japanese Vintage

    I fell in love with the vintage decor, in the style of the early Japanese traditional home. Music from behind time blared on. And she asked if we could use a drink. We smiled and rejected politely, not wanting to be too comfortable afraid that we might miss the bus. And the last thing we want is to further impose. 

    We spoke for a while more, as she gave us a brief history of the place, and how this space as timeless as it seems to have retained it's the air of the old vintage Japanese vibe. Thye has several books, some old Japanese vinyl with tube speaker.

    This place would definitely be an audiophile's heaven.

    I try shamzaming those vintage songs but sadly to no avail.

    We ran towards an old signpost that signifies the bus stop. The old time sheet was barely visible with the damaged plastic cover.

    The bus came shortly after, and we said goodbye to Ah Rong, and Luye.

    It all felt like a distant dream coming back, as the bus driver offed the lights which lulled us to sleep. And we woke up, back in Taitung as the bus came to a halt, bring back nothing but memories like a dream.



    Name: Ah Rong Natural Farm (阿榮自然農園)
    Address: 台東縣鹿野鄉龍田村光榮路161號 Taitung City 955
    Opening Hours: 8AM - 8PM, 9PM - 10PM
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arong.natural.farm/


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    Hello 張一鳴!!
    Glad you found your way here :3



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