Yeliu Geopark 野柳地質公園

    Yeliu was our first stop of the day! 

    So from Taipei, we have to take a bus towards Keelung before we changed to another which would route us to Yeliu. It was pretty sunny, but thank God the weather wasn’t too hot then. It would have been disastrous. The sunlight didn’t sting and I love the cooling air conditional temperature of around 20-21 degrees celsius.

    Yeliu Geopark

    It wasn’t great at first, well honestly. The place is filled with tourists, and tour buses were lined up outside like domino pieces. It wasn’t comforting to know that the place is literally flooded with tourists. They were invading the queen’s privacy as some of them have their hands all over those preserved site only for viewing leisure.

    Yeliu Geopark

    We walked on and actually to our awe, the further we walked in, the lesser tourists there are. It felt like there’s an invisible barrier at the the queen’s crown and the coast, as we could see people turning around to go back.

    Yeliu Geopark

    We walked on. And I’m glad we did because the true hidden gem awaits at the end. We walked up the stairs, towards the top of the cliff. There’s a winding path across the mountains which lead us to the tip of Yeliu, and it’s beautiful. The viewpoint was the absolute highlight of the whole Yellu. And it is a must go if you’re ever going to Yeliu.

     Yeliu Geopark Selfie

    Guess we ended our experience at Yeliu a good note after all, and from there we'll be headed over to Jiufen where I manage to catch an amazing sunset when we arrived!

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