Sunset at Kenting Beach

    It was a simple sunset at Kenting Beach. We came back down from the Kenting National Forest Recreational Park. Just me and my 3 new found friends. 

    The girl from Switzerland actually taught us all how to skip stones and we all had fun spinning the flat pebbles against the sea as we try to clock as much “jumps” as possible.

    We’d love to do dinner together, but the 2 Brazilian girls unfortunately had to go off early as they’re living at Pingtung. We then decided to hang out and watch the sunset together, as we exchange more travel stories and plans. And knowing that they’re heading towards Kaohsiung, I introduced my Couchsurfing host to them. Jun and Mei, are 2 amazing souls that I’d met while I travel and I’m sure they would love to play host and bring them around. I love sharing and exchanging gems with fellow travelers on the road.

    Kenting Sunset

    We sat by the sand and watch the beach getting crowded as families, and couples hang around the beach, some enjoying the sea breeze, some just leaving footprints by the shore. The children chased each other relentlessly around sand while pushing each other, rolling on the sand before bursting into laughter. 

    Kenting Sunset

    The sun let left a trail of orange trail along with the skies as if a paved out road towards happiness. The legendary yellow brick road towards Oz maybe. I kept that thought to myself as I collected one more sunset to write. I saw the last of the pavement dissolve into the skies as if it’s all just a dream, or Dorothy has just clicked her heels. That I guess I’ll never know. 

    But here’s to uncovering more of nature’s finest beauty that is often left unseen.

    Kenting Sunset Friends


    & Here’s a photo of the new friends that I made in Kenting!

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