How I Fell in Love with Hong Kong

    I had been to Hong Kong since young. Very young. Perhaps all that's left is nothing but a distant memory but nothing else. I'm currently trying to remember everything in my head, in fact, I'm typing with my eyes closed to try to remember as much as possible and I'll probably fix the typos later.

    Maybe I'm even typing on the wrong document, to begin with, but maybe I'll open my eyes once in a while to check.

    Moving on, it's extremely interesting to type with your eyes closed, monitor closed, and there's no light to distract you, nothing but just you in the dark, quiet. 

    I went to Hong Kong in 2015, with my then girlfriend, and her mother and her sister. 

    It was totally an impromptu trip.

    Back then, I wasn't even close to being a wanderlust. I used to think that traveling is a total waste of money. There's nothing tangible you can keep with you except for digital images where you can search them off the internet and maybe souvenirs. I never know that the experience was useful ones. Or rather, the worthy ones.

    I still didn't know if i should go as it was a Jetstar one of one. And i'd got school. However, nearing the date, i'd decided to head on anyway.

    So... Hong Kong.

    That being said, Cantonese is one of, or maybe even my favorite language to begin with.

    Since young, I'd always been awed by Cantonese. Maybe initially they sound foreign to me whenever my mum puts on any hong kong drama VCD

    My mum would speak Cantonese too, as she's from Malaysia. So I grew up hearing her speak, and i wasn't allowed to learn hokkien then, as according to my mum hokkien is very "vulgar", (well cantonese is no different)

    It took me awhile before i'd acquire knowledge of the langauge, though i definitely need more practice. 

    I grow up loving cantonese and i think that's the most adorable, sexy, goofy language i'd ever heard. Cantonese is likea margo of languages.

    Fast-forward to now, because of the impromtuness, i manage to get myself a room, an apartment of my own. Part of myself thought it'll be nice to experience living alone. And i'd never regretted doing that.

    Hong Kong is the first city that i'd gotten lost in. I didn't knoknow how to plan itinerary then, i didn't know the importance of getting ready google maps or whatever, but i took a free map of hongkong off the hotel. 

    It's proudly hanging on my wall now. 

    For the first time, i explored Hong Kong with nothing but a physical map. I asked locals if im confused.

    And boy they're helpful. Maybe alot of people says taht Hong Kongers are extremelt rude. But i would say, if youcaught them on a good day they're actually very nice. Some of them sound really gentle and heartwarming. Despite me trying to speak with my delicate cantonese with my fingers crossed hoping that they won't murder me in their mind as they die trying to understand what i was trying to say.

    Suddenly the law of attraction came to me.

    About how positive vibse will bring more positive vibes, and how i was so happy throughout the trip,.

    My girlfriend and her family was almost ouf of the picture as they went shopping everyday and i set 2-3 days to do my own things (because it'll be too "wasteful" to just follow them to shopping and play boydguard)

    I would look forward to the brand new day and wonder what would Hong Kong surprises me with. I literally just head out with a map and see where would it take me. 

    I love how it made me more spontaenous,
    I love how it sounds to me,
    I love how it made me feel,
    I love how everything seems so beautiful a tinge of familiarity,
    I love how they're 2 islands and i adore the ferry rides,
    I love the amazing people, the beautiful language.

    And just like that... I fell in love with Hong Kong.

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