People I Met: John Low

    John Low Art Space Alongside with NTUCCA and Miza are several privately owned galleries or even art spaces rented by independent to work on their art. While coming over in a weekday afternoon, I get to meet John, an artist who began his journey since the 90s.

    What came to me was actually

    Sporting a ponytail and smoking roll-ups, John gave me a really artistic impression of what a true artist might look like.
    (Sorry stereotypical images does dramatize things a little)

    I asked him to tell me more about his artwork where he begins to bring me around his humble gallery, from his art to his preparation corner where the materials are at, and also the work desk where he showed me several of his initial work, and how it leads up to this.

    John Low Art

    Inspired mainly by calligraphy his artwork is made up mainly of simply calligraphy strokes but on a much more magnificent scale. You’ll be surprised by the effects when these small simple stroke could conjure such a huge art piece

    The 2 sides of the wall feature 2 types of his artwork, where it felt to me like one explores more of the negative space, and the latter explore the other.

    I love how the hues of the black speak to you when you look at the whole image, giving it some sort of a distorted depth where it seems to transpire into a “living” art piece as you move around.

    John Low Art Strokes

    I was always inspired by independent artists. Even though I love arts, as passionate as I am, I’m sad, not that great. Though I dabble in the likes of photography, painting, I could never quite be satisfied with what I create.

    I’m glad and thankful that John allowed me to pick at his creative brains today and I’d nevertheless learned a lot from him.


    I went to check out John’s art space during Art After Dark, and his calligraphic art piece is truly one of a kind.

    He even featured an interactive installation where everyone is allowed to play with his artwork, by doodling or throwing more charcoal like grains to add more funk to his work.

    John Low Art Installations

    We shook hands like an old friend and I”m really glad that I’m able to pop by despite being caught up for as I was checking out S.E.A. Focus as they close earlier.

    We spoke for awhile catch up and he left me to wander around his art space while I adore his work for one last time before bidding him goodbye.

    I’ll look forward to catching you work again buddy :D

    John Low Art Installations

    Mr. John Low is presently an artist-in-residence at CCA-NTU

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