Mammy Pancake 媽咪雞蛋仔
"Are you hungry? lets go for Gei Dan Zhai next!", Hiuyi said chirpily
"Gei Dan Zhai?"
"Gei Dan Zhai!"
"What's that? baby egg?", I asked cheekily
"Gei Dan Zhai!! uhm... Gei Dan Zhai is Gei Dan... Zhai?"
"Mr Egg?"
"No.. wait wait... it is...", my friend pulled out her phone before googling a photo and exclaiming "this" showing me proudly.
"Ah.. the bubble wrap thing", I said with a chuckle.
located near Tsim Sha Zhui, Mammy Egg puff is Hiuyu's favourite go to egg puff. They have an assortment of flavors with drinks and also waffles as well. They even serve ice cream alongsied with your Egg puff if you like.
"Oh they are also called egglette"
"So what flavor you want?"
"Whats your favourite?"
"Chocolate chip!", hiuyu said with a glee without any hesitation
"Lets do your favourite then"
The long local queue justify it and we took the time to head off to 7-11 opposite to go for our drinks; we were feeling something less sugary or sugarless.
We came back for our crispy egg puff shortly, and I was awe by the huge serving! I love how they are generous withthe filling but didn't put too much to the point where why it overwhlem the egg puff's flavor. It's definitely a must try for egglette fans all around and those who're in Hong Kong for street food.
"It's nice right?"
"Yes yes!, and the server is really huge", I replied while I was munching onto the egg puff; I could hear the crunch with every bite.
Later i found out that timeout have mammy egg puff as one of the best Gai Dan Zhai in Hong Kong!
Name: Mammy Pancake 媽咪雞蛋仔
Address: G/F, 219 Temple St, Jordan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 1–9:30 pm
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